Symposion in Honour of Josef Steindl

Time: May 21 – 22, 1992

Place: BAWAG-Hochholzerhof, Seitzergasse 2-4, 1010 Vienna

Organized by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

With support of: Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (AK), Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft AG



Thursday, May 21, 3 – 6 p. m.:

Opening Address: Helmut Kramer (WIFO)


Josef Steindl his personality and his work

Chairman: Helmut Kramer

T. Scitovsky (Stanford University): The Political Economy of Josef Steindl*)
G.C. Harcourt (University of Cambridge): Josef Steindl – What He Means to my Generation*)
A. Roncaglia (University of Rome): Josef Steindl’s Relations to Italian Economics*)
A. Guger/E. Walterskirchen (WIFO): Steindl at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research


Buffet-Dinner in honour of Josef Steindl

Address: Hans Seidel (former director of WIFO)


Friday, May 22, 9 – 12 a.m.

Steindl on Economic Theory: Market Structure, Stagnation and Technical Progress

Chairman: Stefan Schleicher

K. Cowling (University of Warwick): Monopoly Capitalism and Stagnation
P. Sylos-Labini (University of Rome)
J. A. Kregel (University of Bologna): Some Reflections on Technical Progress in Financing Small Firms*)
H. D. Kurz (University of Graz): Growth and Distribution*)
P. Rosner (University of Vienna): Josef Steindl on Marx


Friday, May 22, 2 – 5 p.m.

Steindl on Problems of Economic Policy

Chairman: Kurt W. Rothschild

K. Laski (WIIW): Effective Demand and the Transition Process in Eastern Europe
G. Chaloupek (AK-Wien): The Concept of Maturity and the Transformation of Economic Systems*)
G. Tichy (University of Graz): Steindl on Instability and Stabilization Policy*)
E. Matzner (University of Technology): The Context in Economic Policy


*) Published in a special Issue of Review of Political Economy, 6(4), Oktober 1994